Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jokes SMS

  • When i open my eyes every morning i pray to God that everyone should have a friend like you…. Why should only i suffer!!!

  • Birdy birdy in the sky dropped a poopy in my eye, I don’t worry I don’t cry, I’m just happy that cows can’t fly!

  • Last night I lay in my bed looking at the beautiful stars, the moon and the sky…then i thought where the fuck is my roof

  • First the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, then the suffering

  • what happend 2 ur mobile? i was trying 2 call u but i got this msg: welcome 2 D jungle network,D monkey u r tring 2 call is on tree plz try later.

  • Merry Christmas, Enjoy New Year, Happy Easter, Good luck on Valentines, Spooky Halloween & Happy Birthday Now bug off and don’t annoy me for the next 12 months!!!!

  • If ur world is spining Round & Round..& Round….Ur heart is beating fast ,do u think its LOVE? na Munna na its called high B/P…

  • Who said english is easy???Fill in the blank with YES or No…
    1.—–I dont have brain…
    2.—–I dont have sence…
    3.—–I am stupid….

  • Do U know the fullform of COLLEGE- C-Come,O-On,L-Lets, L-Love, E-Each,G-Girl,E-Equally……Thats why boys go to college regularly….

  • Fill in the blank…Im ur …..friend- a)-Cute b)-Sweet c)-Loving d)-Boy/Girl e)-Best of all Reply is a must…

  • When I was born Devil said…Oh Shit!!! Another GOD!!!..& When u were born devil said …Oh Shit!!!!Competition…!!! ….

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