Thursday, January 1, 2009

Good Night SMS

  • G -o to Bed
    O -ff the lights
    O -ut of tension
    D -reams come
    N -ice sleep
    I -gnore worries
    G -et up earlier
    H -ave a nice thought
    T -hank the GOD

  • "do not count what u have lost. just see what u have now, because past never comes back but sometimes future can give u back ur lost things! 'good night'.

  • Night is longer than day for those who DREAM & day is longer than night for those who make their DREAMS
    come true. Wish you Good Night & Sweet Dreams!

  • Saying gudnite is not just putting an end to a day.Its a way of saying , I remember u before i go 2 sleep.
    Hope u can fel the care that goes with it.... GOOD NIGHT..

  • As day turns to NIGHT.,.Keep your worries out of SIGHT....No matter how TOUGH the world may still deserve the SWEETEST DREAM .....GOOD NIGHT.

  • A late night greeting doesnt only mean good night It has a silent msg sayin.. ur my last thought at night..Gdnight
    I wish moon always be full & bright !!!U always be cool & right!!! Whenever u go to switch off the light,Remember that I am wishing u Good Night......

  • Take a deep breath,Stand near the window,Look at the sky,There will be two stars twinkling brightly,u know what they are????They are my eyes always taking care of U..Good night

  • At this moment 3.7 Millions are sleeping,2.3 Millions are falling in Love,4.1 Million are eating & only one cute person in the whole world is reading my SMS....Good Night!!!

  • A Nice Quote:
    Keep all your troubles in your pocket, but be sure that your pocket has a hole in it..Gud night .

  • Hi Moon!!!Dim Ur light...Hello Wind!!!Breeze Soft...Hi Flower!!!Blossom Slowly.Hello Earth!!!Spin Gently....'coz My sweet friend is going to sleep....Good Night....

  • In tis lovely nite, I pray 2 the blue moon 2 protect U thru the nite, the wind 2 blow away ur stress N the
    twinkle stars 2 guide U the way, sweet dreams G00d Nite

  • As the day turns into night,keep ur worries out of sight,close ur eyes n go to sleep,for all the good times are urs to keep.sweetest dreamz!

  • A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like U making my everyday seems so great. Thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams

  • Hi Moon!!!Dim Ur light...Hello Wind!!!Breeze Soft...Hi Flower!!!Blossom Slowly.Hello Earth!!!Spin Gently....'coz My sweet friend is going to sleep....Good Night....

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