Monday, December 29, 2008

Friendship SMS

  • Thr is no distance 2 far btwn best friends, 4 frndship gives wings to d heart!

  • A friendship that stops existing,was actually never there.

  • Friends are like medication; they make you feel better when you're down.

  • D tyms v shard is lke shootng star.d tym is short bt realy beautiful moments.

  • A frnd is some1 who can c d truth nd pain in u evn wn u r fooling everyone else.

  • If u open my heart,gues wt u r gona c?Its U.True frnds r hard 2 find so I kpt u!

  • A true frnd is some1 who knows ders somthng wrong evn wn u ve d biggest smile!!

  • A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

  • A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out!!

  • Longest love is mother's love, but strongest love is friend's love…like u n me!

  • One who likes u most, sometimes hurts u, but he is the only 1 who feels ur pain

  • With clothes the new are best, with friends the old are best

  • Friendship is not collection of hearts but it is selection of hearts.

  • some like goldenship some like silvership but i like one ship that is friendship

  • A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have

  • A ring is round and has no end, that's how long I'll be your friend!

  • Without love, life is hopeless. But without friends like u, life is impossible

  • Rich ppl travel in cars,Poor ppl travel in carts,bt frnds lyk u travel in hearts

  • Friend is like fart, nuisance 4others but comfrt 4me. Thnx 4 being gas of my ass

  • Life is 4 u death is 4 me, happy is 4 u sad is 4 me. Everything is 4 u, u r 4 me

  • Don't Love a Friend who Hurts U Don't Hurt a Friend who Loves U.

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